We are two young women, Ingrid and Ilona, both mothers. As our children started to play together in the playground, we took them to during summer 2017; we began talking about our little monsters. We immediately agreed on various the subject around motherhood and uplifted each other on our paths ever since.

“I’m tired of seeing Instagram accounts of perfect moms with tidy interiors, well-groomed kids with their hair neatly styled and never crying,” commented Ingrid.

“Positive parenting is very fashionable but still misunderstood. I personally find it difficult to understand,” observed Ilona.

We decided to help each other in this beautiful and complex stage of life. Together we founded a community of mothers and made our daily life easier. Today, we want to share valuable information and useful tips as well as expand this community of moms. The goal is to help every mom do her best while maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

We didn’t want this blog to be limited to individual experiences only, hence the desire to create this blog together. Every mom is different, and we don’t all experience the arrival of a child in the same way. Some are anxious, others are deeply contemplative. We think that exchange and discussion are the best way to change mentalities around motherhood as well as provide some support on this magical journey.

Sexuality and motherhood: a combo that is still being stigmatized

We are always outraged when we hear women explain that they force themselves to make love only to please their spouse. And yet, there are so many of them!

Since we are on a blog for moms and mothers-to-be, we will mostly talk about sexuality during two delicate periods of our lives as women: when we are pregnant and when we have just given birth.

Stitches, episiotomy, tears… childbirth can be a real trauma for a woman’s body. We have both experienced it. We want women wondering about this subject to be able to benefit from the answers to their questions and the support of other women.




Educating your child: the biggest challenge when you become a parent

Do pregnancy and childbirth seem to be the most difficult stages for you? Wait for your child to grow up a little and you will change your mind.

We don’t support the new, trendy forms of education that often only make parents feel guilty or not worthy. Instagram showcases parents that make you believe that everything is perfect, from the kid’s perfect room to his perfect meal and perfect activities or travels.

These new forms of education can bring many interesting things and keys that can help some parents do better with their child. But what bothers us is the fundamentalism that some moms show with their really guilt-ridden assumptions. Respecting your child is about respecting yourself as a parent as well. You’re allowed to make mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. We’re here to grow together!

kids playing

Taboo topics are allowed and discussed

Yes, we are both moms. Still, not everyone has the chance to become a parent, which is something some women can only dream of. This blog has no boundaries and is open to everyone, no matter if you are childless, pregnant, or if your child is already grown.

Many women don’t dare to talk about their baby attempts, especially when they take a lot of time. Ingrid took 3 months to get pregnant, while for Ilona it has taken 4 years. We both have not had to go through PMA personally, but we receive many testimonials every day from couples in PMA or doing IVF, whatever the reason. Whether it’s OPK, endometriosis, unexplained infertility, or any other pathology, we talk about it in this blog. Readers come to tell their stories, the exams they have to pass, and all the injections they endure.

We look forward to seeing many of you! Welcome to our community.

– Ingrid Palmer and Ilona Benes